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Where have I been all this time?

I had really missed writing, mostly doing it in this small web space I decided to carve out for myself and share thoughts with souls from all over the world a few years ago.


It was October two thousand and twenty and, since then, my life has changed enormously.

Not only has my personality turned upside down, but also my outlook on life, where I live, my relationships, my projects and everything around me.

What happened?

I haven’t been present in my daily writing for several months and the real reason I have made this happen is out of sheer lack of motivation.


As I mentioned earlier, the last few months have been a source of great change and my present and future have been (and still are) totally uncertain.

All this has therefore been a great source of distraction, creating a spiral of continuous thoughts in my mind that I sometimes really struggle to push away.

I think I’ve improved a lot in managing my thoughts, but there is still work to be done.


However, I am extremely sorry for not picking up the laptop and writing even simple words here and there out of sheer desire to do so. I didn't (or rather, I couldn't), because every time I sat in front of the laptop I simply felt stuck.

I felt like I didn't know where to start, what to talk about... I always have so many things I want to share and yet my quest to always be “perfect” in my writing somehow makes me each time find a valid reason (which is actually not valid at all) not to start writing.

The truth

However, the truth is that writing is my source of personal therapy.


Writing lightens my mind and brings me wellbeing (which is why I’ve never stopped journaling every single day of my life for the past few months).

And while writing for myself is a fundamental part of this technique, sharing plays an equally important role - yes, because this gives anyone the opportunity to connect with my thoughts and be able to reflect on their lives.


And so today, after meeting someone who, like me, has a great passion for writing, I decided that I would finally take up writing again.

At this very moment I am in fact sitting in the State Library of Victoria with her, both of us writing and working on our projects.


I find this extremely wonderful and liberating, and equally fascinating in thinking how sometimes we only need a small glimmer to keep that flame within us burning.

What now?

I don't know what the future of my writing, my projects and this blog will be, but today at least I really wanted to simply give an update.

To show up and throw out a few words, in the hope that this little thought will bring me back the motivation I have lost over the past few months.


I had missed writing so much, as well as recording podcasts and chatting and sharing thoughts with you who are reading me. I feel that this practice is fundamental to my well-being and I want to continue to inspire, motivate and make people from all over the world reflect more and more each day.


These today are just a few thoughts, but they mean so much to me and my passion for writing. I make no promises, but I really hope to be able to return to consistently share adventures, dreams, travels and reflections with you soon.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart, as always, for reading and supporting me even if it is your first time reading me.

This is a safe place and I am grateful you can be a part of it.


Have a good life!

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I travel to find the best version of myself. I write to share the importance of using travel as a tool to get to know each other and overcome one's limits.

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About Be Adventurer

Born in Ferrara, Italy, Be Adventurer is a blog of Alex Negrini
The main purpose of the site is to share and promote travel as a means of growth.
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